The Proposal [Part 2] - More Planning

Remember that in Part 1, I had decided to get her an iPod Touch as her birthday present? There's actually a side story to it..

I ordered the iPod Touch online, because I wanted the free engraving that's only available through the Apple store. Hmm.. And what should I engrave, that would make this present special, and memorable in the years to come? Finally, I picked my words:

Loving you, always forever.
Would you marry me?

Do you notice what's wrong? I had no idea why I engraved "Would you.." instead of "Will you.."? I only realised that 2 days later, when I was boarding the bus home, and suddenly the mistake hit me like a missile. BOOM!

After I reached home, I immediately went online to check the correctness of "Would you.." vs. "Will you..". Luckily, I found this: An explanation of "would" and "will" in the marriage context!

In short, the use of "Would you.." simply means that I am being ultra polite, so I am NOT wrong! But then, she still thinks "Will you.." is the correct one, and finds it amusing that I made that "error". Boo..

Anyway, that's the little "brouhahaha" on the iPod Touch, so let's get on now with the story: There's still the venue which I need to decide on to pop the important question.

Actually, I only had two choices. First is to do it in public, while the second is to do it in private. Obviously, I was more inclined towards doing it in private, because.. it's a private affair (duh), and I thought that if I were to do the proposal in public, I would have to enlist friends for help, which is something that I wish to avoid.

Since we had previously already decided that we will be spending the few days of her birthday together, I thought that it would be a good idea to book a hotel for 3 days 2 nights, and to do the proposal there. Bingo!

Using the power of the internet, I managed to secure very good rates at Swissotel Merchant Court for the 3D2N, and I continued to plan our itinerary around the vicinity of the hotel.

Chronologically, this was what I did after securing a room at the hotel on the 26th of November:

27th November, Thursday
I order the Apple iPod Touch online, and engraved the grammatically-ambiguous words behind. The Apple product was scheduled to arrive 5 days in my office.

On the same day, I also made enquiries with several spa around the area for couple packages. These spas include Amrita Spa at Swissotel Merchant Court (very expensive) and aFondSpa at South Bridge Road (affordable).

28th November, Friday
After pondering it overnight, I decided to make reservations with aFondSpa for a spa package ($350) on the 6th of December, which was to be the 2nd day of our stay at the hotel.

While I was going home from work that Friday, I also dropped by the florist at Raffles MRT, Artisan Des Fleurs, to enquire about the cost for a bouquet of roses and rose petals.

What's a proposal without flowers, right? And I had other uses for the rose petals.

1st December, Monday
The iPod Touch was delivered to my office. Everything, including the engraving was in order. Huge relief on my part.

During lunch time that day, I also strolled to Clarke Quay to order a cake for her birthday. I made my order with Nectarie for a Strawberry Shortcake, firstly because I have heard wonderful reviews about their cakes, and secondly they are just a stone throw away from Swissotel Merchant Court, and so it'll be easy to pick up the cake.

In the evening, I confirmed my flower orders for a bouquet of 3 stalk of roses, and 10 handfuls of rose petals.

3rd December, Wednesday
Finally, I made reservations for dinner at Satsuma Shochu on 5th December, and Viet Lang on 6th December. The dinner on the 6th was to be a surprise dinner with two of our friends, YL and RY.

Phew.. That was quite a bit of awesome planning, right? But that's not the end! There's still a very important thing that I had to do amidst all these planning, which was.. TO MAKE A VIDEO.

The iPod Touch (even with the engraving) is just an object that will eventually succumb to wear and tear, but I wish that the very special night will always be remembered, and what better way than to record my proposal (and sweet nothings) as a video clip, upload to the iPod Touch, and let this forever be a wonderful, and ever-lasting memory.

From as early as 1st December, when the iPod Touch was delivered, I started playing with the video software on my MacBook and attempted to record my proposal. However, I was a horror in front of the (web) cam and thus, it was only on the night of the 4th of December, a day before the big day, that I finally think I nailed an epic performance.

Not only was I scrambling to finish my video on the night of the 4th, I was also busy trying to figure out a way to control iTunes on my MacBook via BlueTooth. My idea was to start iTunes as we entered the hotel room. Romantic, right?

Anyway, I was so stress and anxious with all the preparations that when the clock struck 12 on 5th December. I forgot to do the most important and yet basic thing. I FORGOT TO WISH HER HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Fwah! That's like the worst possible start to the big day, and I guess she was quite disappointed.. But I explained, and I think she eventually understood. LOL! =p

So it's finally 5th December - The Big Day. How did the proposal go? Find out in the next parts!


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