Start of Wedding Preparations...

wow, it's been hiatus since my last post. Lots of work going into preparing for our big day has happened since then, and I shall start to document then little by little starting from now, or I guess I won't get down to doing it at all, which really then defeats the purpose of setting up this blog.

When we just started out with our wedding preparations, each of us had many many ideas and we thought of 100001 things we could do. We had to look for the venues, engage a JP to solemnize our wedding, select a date, hire a photographer, find the perfect gown/suit, print invitation cards, get the guest list ready, etc etc etc. We then solicited information from everywhere - web, forums, friends, magazines, etc etc, and very quickly we were swamped with lots of information. On the other hand, we were afraid that we had missed out any important details in this preparation. We knew the next thing we needed to do is to find an efficient way to organise these information, in a way that it's easy for both of us to access it anywhere, and to update as and when we needed/wanted to.

Google Notebooks fit the purposely perfectly. It's on the web - and thus accessible as long as you have an internet connection, and we could both edit/review it concurrently. So yes! I created a notebook for the both of us, and indeed, it was a very helpful tool as I dumped information regarding all aspects of our ROM preparation into each respective section created, and both of us could go back to review it another time. With all these in place, it's time to get into serious work!


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