the date

the first thing that came to our mind in the ROM preparation was to select the date it was to be held. (well, it's quite common sense isn't it?)

We decided not to get any fengshui master to calculate an auspicious date, cause we thought that ROM is an ang mor sorta event and it doesn't involve the Chinese Traditions, so it wasn't really necessary. I understand that different couples hold different opinions regarding this, but this is the stand that we took. Actually, among both of our parents, and himself and me, I'm the only one who's very superstitious about fengshui, customs, etc., even though I'm the youngest. haha! So I'm probably the only one who would really be very concerned with this. And since I don't think it's necessary, the rest of course agreed. =)

Now it's on to choosing a nice date.. we wanted to ROM within 2009, and since by the time he proposed it was end 2008, we figured it would be too rush to have the solemnisation within the first half of 2009. In fact, I would love to ROM on 09/09/09, cause it's such a pretty date! My eldest sister had her solemnization on 02/02/02, my second sister had hers on 20/03/2003, and my niece was born on 05/05/05.. so I wanted to have a date like that too! Unfortunately, it coincided with 七月, which is supposedly inauspicious as it was the Ghost Month according to Chinese traditions. And although I mentioned that I didn't want to "calculate" an auspicious date for my ROM, but holding it during the Ghost Month still wasn't exactly a very comfortable choice for me.

We wanted our ROM to be an event of celebration and joy, where our close friends and family come to share our happiness as we embark on the next stage of our lives together. So we didn't want to inconvenience our working friends by holding it on a weekday, which will require them to take leave and make additional arrangements at work just to be able to attend our ROM.

We brainstormed, and shortlisted the following dates, which we thought "looked" pretty nice:

* 09/08/09 (六月 十九), Sunday
* 09/09/09 (七月 二十一), Wednesday
* 19/09/09 (八月 初一),Saturday
* 03/10/09 (八月 十五), Saturday
* 10/10/09 (八月 二十二), Saturday

I can't recall if there's any specific reason why these dates were all around September.... but we finally decided to hold our ROM on 10 October 2009... I figured since I can't hold it on 09/09/09... 10/10 looks pretty good as well. Besides, he felt that 10/10 also had the meaning of 十全十美,which was how we wish our marriage would be in future. :)

Yups! We had our date fixed. What's next?

the birth of TWEOOO

hey! i've just realised that we haven't introduced "TWEOOO" yet!

If I remembered correctly, we were thinking of what to name this blog which we were about to create... and I suddenly came up of this brilliant idea to combine both of our surnames!

You see, he's a TEO. and I'm woo. TwEoOo actually consists of both of our surnames, one alphabet after another! The result was quite a catchy word (oh at least to me...), which I pronounce it as tuh-wee-oh. So ta-daah! tweooo is born!

Since he's a geek, hence I figured most of our correspondences with our vendors/partners would be via e-mail, I thought that a common e-mail address would do us good. So I went to create which we both used for all our ROM liaising.

In case you're thinking: no.. that's not for me. too much of a hassle. I prefer using just my email. I don't want to login and check another email, so troublesome.. But nope! We didn't have to do that at all. That's because Gmail allows us to check and reply from multiply email address! In a nutshell, all we had to do is first, to authorise each of us to send email as "tweooo@gmail" via our respective personal emails, and second, forward all mails addressed to "tweooo@gmail" to our personal emails.
(if u find my explanation too complicated.. it may be helpful to visit the link above instead :P)

Btw, after using it for sometime, i personally feel that creating a common email address is really convenient as we don't have to keep forwarding each other emails, and it ensures that both of us are always in the loop all the time.

So yups! Another useful tool from Google!

Start of Wedding Preparations...

wow, it's been hiatus since my last post. Lots of work going into preparing for our big day has happened since then, and I shall start to document then little by little starting from now, or I guess I won't get down to doing it at all, which really then defeats the purpose of setting up this blog.

When we just started out with our wedding preparations, each of us had many many ideas and we thought of 100001 things we could do. We had to look for the venues, engage a JP to solemnize our wedding, select a date, hire a photographer, find the perfect gown/suit, print invitation cards, get the guest list ready, etc etc etc. We then solicited information from everywhere - web, forums, friends, magazines, etc etc, and very quickly we were swamped with lots of information. On the other hand, we were afraid that we had missed out any important details in this preparation. We knew the next thing we needed to do is to find an efficient way to organise these information, in a way that it's easy for both of us to access it anywhere, and to update as and when we needed/wanted to.

Google Notebooks fit the purposely perfectly. It's on the web - and thus accessible as long as you have an internet connection, and we could both edit/review it concurrently. So yes! I created a notebook for the both of us, and indeed, it was a very helpful tool as I dumped information regarding all aspects of our ROM preparation into each respective section created, and both of us could go back to review it another time. With all these in place, it's time to get into serious work!

The Proposal [Part 4] - The Rest Of The Story

We woke up slightly late the next day, slacked around in bed and finally left the hotel for lunch at around 12pm. There's a very nice Bak Kut Teh opposite The Central which I sometimes go to for lunch with my colleagues, so we decided to eat that. Surely, it didn't disappoint.

Then we went to Funan to get some iPod accessories because, knowing that she herself is very clumsy, she wanted to "protect" her iPod as soon as possible. We walked around and finally bought a pink leather cover, and a mirror screen protector.

Then, the sky began pouring again. Since it was almost time for our spa session at Chinatown, we had no choice but to buy an umbrella at the $2 shop so that we can make our way there.

We took a bus from the bus stop opposite Peninsula Plaza and arrived at Chinatown shortly. Since it was still early, we decided to walk around the market, and when it nearing 3pm, we trotted back to the Spa and enjoyed our 2.5 hrs of treatment.

The treatment was average, and I feel that the service could have been better. Somehow, I don't feel that they were professional (enough), or that they cared enough about the customer's experience. They started cleaning the tub while we were supposed to be relaxing, and the splish-splash didn't really help to relax us.

Anyway, we ended at around 6:30pm and we made our way back to Raffles Place, where our 2 friends were waiting for us (in surprise) at the Viet Lang restaurant. She's supposed to be kept in the dark but the stupid me let it slip (again, like I always do) while we we chatting.. Argh! I feel so stupid.. So it wasn't a surprise anymore, but she's still happy that I asked them along. Bleah..

Oh well, at least we had a very nice Vietnamese dinner at Viet Lang, and great service too. After dinner, RY left while YL went back to the hotel with us to see see look look. After that we sent her to the MRT station, and that's the end of another wonderful day.

Day 3, as much as we hate to wake up, we had to do so to pack up and check out. Sigh..

Lunch was at the food court at Raffles City, and then she met up with her friends to go for dance lessons at SMU while I took a cab home.. Yippie!

That's sort of the end of the proposal series, but that's definitely not the end of our story which will last a lifetime.

I love you, always forever.

The Proposal [Part 3] - The Big Day

This is a recount of what had happened on the big day, 5th December 2009.

On this day, I bade my colleagues farewell after lunch. Just as I was about to leave, my Chief Product Officer asked where I was going, so I gave them a rundown of my plans. They congratulated me, wished me luck and off I went.

Time: 2:15pm
The first stop was the florist at Raffles Place MRT, so I strolled over and collected my bouquet of rose, and 10 handfuls of rose petals. The bouquet was nice and presentable, even though it's only 3 stalks of roses, while the 10 handfuls of rose petals was more than I had expected. Happy!

Time: 2:30pm
From Raffles Place MRT, I took another brisk (and hot) walk back to Boat Quay (my office), to Clarke Quay and finally reached Swissotel Merchant Court.

Time 2:45pm
I arrived at the hotel 15 minutes before the official check-in time, slightly soaked in sweat, and proceeded to check-in. I told the concierge that I was going to propose that day, and asked if I was able to get a better room with bath tub at no additional charges (Haa! Cheapo..). At first, she had trouble acceding to my requests, but after a longer wait, I got the free upgrade! Woo Hoo! I found out later, to my pleasant surprise, that the actual rates of the room given to us was double of what I paid for, and we loved the room.

Time: 3:00pm
I got the access to my room, and up I went, to prepare the room. First, I emptied my bag and arranged my belongings in the wardrobe. Then I plugged my MacBook to the power for some music while I continued to decorate the bed with rose petals. With the rose petals, I made a heart (with a piercing arrow) on the bed and placed the ring in the middle of the heart. The bouquet of roses and doraemon-wrapped iPod Touch were stacked beside the heart.

The arrangement took a bit of time, and I still had some rose petals left after that. So, I sprinkled some at the doorway to create a path that led to the bedroom, and some in the bath tub.

Next, I synced my HP with my MacBook (via BlueTooth) again and went through some trial runs before I selected the utmost important track to be played when we enter the room: Olivia Ong's Love. I feel quite proud of myself for coming up with the idea of using BlueTooth to start iTunes. Isn't technology a wonder?

Anyway, after all the preparations, the time was only 3:30pm.. Hmm.. I still have time.. To shit! LOL! Let's try the toilet!

..... FLUSH!!!

Then, I realised that the bath tub was dirty! There was quite a lot of hair (short, non curly) scattered in the bath tub. Since, by that time, I had already decorated the room, I didn't want to call housekeeping so I cleaned the bath tub myself. After I am done, it was almost 4:00pm.

Time: 4:00pm
OK! Cake collection! I went back down, crossed the bridge and walked to Nectarie to collect my Strawberry Shortcake. Oh no! The cake was lined with almonds, and she hated almonds! I didn't expect this but there was nothing I could do.. I thought I had created another boo boo again.. Shucks..

Time: 4:10pm
I walked back to the hotel, feeling down..

Time 4:20pm
Once I was back in the room, I refrigerated the cake, and double checked that everything was in place. Then I remembered that I would like to enjoy a soak in the bubbles later, so I called the service line, but they said they don't have it.. Alamak! I have to go buy it.. NOW!

It was about 4:30pm then, and I had to leave too because she was knocking off at 5:30pm.

On my way to Clarke Quay MRT, I walked around Central to see if I could find the foam for the bath. Nope.. 4:50pm. Time was running out, so I decided to make my way to Somerset first; Took the NE train to Dhoby Ghaut, then to Somerset.

Since I was like 15 minutes earlier, I messaged her to ask if she would be able to leave on time. She replied that she was still in a meeting and might be slightly late which gave me ample time to make my way to CentrePoint to get the foam bath.

First, I checked Body Shop which was selling a small bottle of foam bath for $15+.. So expensive. Then I went to Mark's and Spencer and eventually found a (larger) bottle for $7+ only. I paid and left quickly, afraid that her meeting would end before I reached.

I was sweating like a dog when I finally reached the lobby of her office, but it turned out that she was still in a meeting! I sat at the lobby waiting for her, and fed myself to the hungry mosquitoes.

Finally, she was out of the meeting!

My original plan was to take a bus to The Gallery Hotel for our dinner at Satsuma Shochu. But we'll be late for my reservations at 6:30pm if we did that, so we took a cab instead. Yes! I love cabs!

We arrived on the dot, and were ushered to a cosy corner. The service was exceptional as the waitress really knows her stuff, and all her recommendations were superb! The restaurant is famous for its grilled items, and I ate quite a lot because everything was so delicious.

As we were enjoying our dinner, it began to rain.. I was quite worried then, because the plan was to stroll to the hotel after our dinner. Luckily, as we were finishing our dinner, the rain stopped, so we were able to stroll along Singapore River towards Clarke Quay.

At this juncture, I'd like to point out that I had not been watching the clock since our dinner started, because.. I don't want the happy times to pass by so quickly..

Anyway, she was clueless of what my plans were and where I was going to bring her next, so I told her that we were going to The Central for some desserts.

When we finally reached Brewerkz, I told her that I need to use the toilet (as always..), so I suggested using the ones at Swissotel Merchant Court. Idea!

I went to the toilet to relieve myself and sober myself of the sake which I drank during dinner. I could feel butterflies flying in my stomach then. After I reappeared, I led her, not out of the hotel, but to the elevators. At last, she knew what's going to happen next..

Actually, she already knew that I'll be booking a hotel stay for 3 days 2 nights (because she had to tell her parents that she'll be staying out) but she didn't know which hotel. Now, the riddle was answered so she just smiled and followed me up to the room.

As I slowly opened the door, I re-synced my HP with iTunes via BlueTooth, albeit a bit clumsily. Then once that was all done (about 5s?), I switched on the lights and led her into the room. Rose petals adorned the doorway, as she made her way to the bedroom, and she was very touched by what she saw in front of her, on the bed.

Then she asked "What's that?", pointing to the ring in the middle of the heart. Nervous as I was, I took the ring and her hand, with one knee down, and asked "Will you marry me?". She teared and said "Yes."

She might have expected the proposal to be over already, but I still have more surprises. I asked her to open the doraemon-wrapped present, and she was totally clueless about the contents. When she finally realised that it's an iPod Touch, she was very surprised at such a geeky present, but when she saw the engraving at the back, she teared again.

Wait! There's still more. I made a video, remember? I made it because I knew I'll be too nervous and forget everything that I wanted to say, and that's what had happened. Anyway, I told her that I made a video and it's inside the iPod. She opened the file and we watched it together, laughing and tearing (again)!

That night, she teared a total of 3 times, tears of happiness that was. She's happy, and I was happy. I love her, and I feel fortunate that I'll be spending the rest of my life with her.

Then, it's time to cut the cake! We called room service and asked for some utensils, and not only did they bring us utensils, they brought us complimentary fruits and chocolates (yummy!) too. I sang a birthday song for her and we ate the delicious cake. She was ok, even though the cake was lined with almonds. She's just afraid of almond drink (snigger). Phew!

We ended the day feeling over-dosed with sugar, and smelling nice from the bubble bath.

The Proposal [Part 2] - More Planning

Remember that in Part 1, I had decided to get her an iPod Touch as her birthday present? There's actually a side story to it..

I ordered the iPod Touch online, because I wanted the free engraving that's only available through the Apple store. Hmm.. And what should I engrave, that would make this present special, and memorable in the years to come? Finally, I picked my words:

Loving you, always forever.
Would you marry me?

Do you notice what's wrong? I had no idea why I engraved "Would you.." instead of "Will you.."? I only realised that 2 days later, when I was boarding the bus home, and suddenly the mistake hit me like a missile. BOOM!

After I reached home, I immediately went online to check the correctness of "Would you.." vs. "Will you..". Luckily, I found this: An explanation of "would" and "will" in the marriage context!

In short, the use of "Would you.." simply means that I am being ultra polite, so I am NOT wrong! But then, she still thinks "Will you.." is the correct one, and finds it amusing that I made that "error". Boo..

Anyway, that's the little "brouhahaha" on the iPod Touch, so let's get on now with the story: There's still the venue which I need to decide on to pop the important question.

Actually, I only had two choices. First is to do it in public, while the second is to do it in private. Obviously, I was more inclined towards doing it in private, because.. it's a private affair (duh), and I thought that if I were to do the proposal in public, I would have to enlist friends for help, which is something that I wish to avoid.

Since we had previously already decided that we will be spending the few days of her birthday together, I thought that it would be a good idea to book a hotel for 3 days 2 nights, and to do the proposal there. Bingo!

Using the power of the internet, I managed to secure very good rates at Swissotel Merchant Court for the 3D2N, and I continued to plan our itinerary around the vicinity of the hotel.

Chronologically, this was what I did after securing a room at the hotel on the 26th of November:

27th November, Thursday
I order the Apple iPod Touch online, and engraved the grammatically-ambiguous words behind. The Apple product was scheduled to arrive 5 days in my office.

On the same day, I also made enquiries with several spa around the area for couple packages. These spas include Amrita Spa at Swissotel Merchant Court (very expensive) and aFondSpa at South Bridge Road (affordable).

28th November, Friday
After pondering it overnight, I decided to make reservations with aFondSpa for a spa package ($350) on the 6th of December, which was to be the 2nd day of our stay at the hotel.

While I was going home from work that Friday, I also dropped by the florist at Raffles MRT, Artisan Des Fleurs, to enquire about the cost for a bouquet of roses and rose petals.

What's a proposal without flowers, right? And I had other uses for the rose petals.

1st December, Monday
The iPod Touch was delivered to my office. Everything, including the engraving was in order. Huge relief on my part.

During lunch time that day, I also strolled to Clarke Quay to order a cake for her birthday. I made my order with Nectarie for a Strawberry Shortcake, firstly because I have heard wonderful reviews about their cakes, and secondly they are just a stone throw away from Swissotel Merchant Court, and so it'll be easy to pick up the cake.

In the evening, I confirmed my flower orders for a bouquet of 3 stalk of roses, and 10 handfuls of rose petals.

3rd December, Wednesday
Finally, I made reservations for dinner at Satsuma Shochu on 5th December, and Viet Lang on 6th December. The dinner on the 6th was to be a surprise dinner with two of our friends, YL and RY.

Phew.. That was quite a bit of awesome planning, right? But that's not the end! There's still a very important thing that I had to do amidst all these planning, which was.. TO MAKE A VIDEO.

The iPod Touch (even with the engraving) is just an object that will eventually succumb to wear and tear, but I wish that the very special night will always be remembered, and what better way than to record my proposal (and sweet nothings) as a video clip, upload to the iPod Touch, and let this forever be a wonderful, and ever-lasting memory.

From as early as 1st December, when the iPod Touch was delivered, I started playing with the video software on my MacBook and attempted to record my proposal. However, I was a horror in front of the (web) cam and thus, it was only on the night of the 4th of December, a day before the big day, that I finally think I nailed an epic performance.

Not only was I scrambling to finish my video on the night of the 4th, I was also busy trying to figure out a way to control iTunes on my MacBook via BlueTooth. My idea was to start iTunes as we entered the hotel room. Romantic, right?

Anyway, I was so stress and anxious with all the preparations that when the clock struck 12 on 5th December. I forgot to do the most important and yet basic thing. I FORGOT TO WISH HER HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Fwah! That's like the worst possible start to the big day, and I guess she was quite disappointed.. But I explained, and I think she eventually understood. LOL! =p

So it's finally 5th December - The Big Day. How did the proposal go? Find out in the next parts!

The Proposal [Part 1] - Gift Planning

This post should have been written months ago. But I procrastinated, as always, out of various reasons and the draft has been in my to-do list for ages. I figured that if I don't even start writing, I never will, and if I ever wanted to have time to finish this post at one go, that's wishful thinking. Therefore, I am going to do this in parts.

This is Part 1, which documents the some portion of the planning before the big day.

The brainstorming started from as early as October 2008, and I was already decided then to pop the question on 5th December 2008, which was her 25th birthday. Sort of a double celebration, I raked my brain daily for ideas while I was commuting to work, trying to think of the perfect place, setting, birthday gift etc.

I love to think, and especially so while I am commuting, so these were the birthday gift ideas I came up with:

  1. A scrap book that detailed our times together.
  2. A song that celebrated our love.
  3. Burberry bag which she had been eyeing all these while.
  4. A piano recital of "做你的男人".

Eventually though, none of these materialized because:
  1. The last time I did a scrap book was in Primary school, so I was reluctant to make a fugly one for her on such an important day.
  2. I really wanted to do this. But I didn't want to write another song that sounds like the rest of the other songs I have ever written. I am limited (and rusty) guitar chord knowledge.
  3. SOLD OUT! Woo Hoo! **phew**
  4. I am faced with a time constraint on this one, as I doubt I'll be able to excel in the piece within such a short period of time Moreover, it would be a headache trying to find somewhere secluded, but yet with a piano..
None of the ideas seemed to be able to work out well. So, I left the ideas alone for a while, and continued to think of other ideas.

At that time, she was hooked on watching 溏心风暴, then 家好月圆, and I remembered her asking me once if it's a good idea to get a portable video player (so she can be a junkie) while she's commuting to and fro work daily. Aha!

So which one to get? I asked some friends for advice.

Finally, I decided on the iPod Touch, and I knew then that this will be the perfect gift, cause she's a geek who (despite being a geek) will never be willing to spend her money on such gadgets. But at the same time, she'll definitely find it useful (and yes, she's a commuting junkie now).

Another thing about the iPod Touch, was that I was able to engrave on it to mark that special day! Erm.. But I think I made a little "brouhahaha" on the engraving.. More on that some other time. =)

Anyway, so this iPod Touch was the birthday gift, which at the same time has an engraving that marks the day that I popped the question. Great! Now for the place and setting.. Where? How?

That'll be in Part 2.

In case you are wondering, what about the ring? We already bought the ring in August, so in a way she knew I will be proposing, but not when and how. We shopped for the ring together, because I felt that since she will be the one wearing it, she should have a say in the BIG purchase.

The ring was a 0.45 carat solitaire from Meyson (in Bugis). Good value for their diamonds. Do check them out.

the proposal

It happened on my birthday!

Unfortunately I still had to go to work on that day, cause I haven't completed 3 months in my current job and hence I wasn't entitled to any annual leave. Though it kinda suck to have to go to work on my birthday... but it's okay lar. I don't do much work during work anyway. haaa. But but but but.... of all days, I had to attend this meeting which dragged way past 5.30pm.. my official knock off time. So he was waiting downstairs for me... until I finished work and met him at the lobby of my office building.

Birthday Celebrations
He had actually told me long ago that he's going to take a half day off on my birthday to make preparations. I also learned that he's booking a hotel for the celebration (caused I needed permission to stay out at night), but that's all I know of the planning. The un-inquisitive me also didn't really bother to ask him what exactly he had planned, and a part of me also preferred having a surprise.

So after meeting him, he brought me to dine at this japanese restaurant Satsuma Shochu Dining Bar, at the Gallery Hotel for dinner. Food was very good! Not those typical japanese food you expect at sushi tei, but more of bbq sticks of all sorts. He tried a shoju too, and I didn't like it the least bit. It tasted like nail polish remover for me. *bleah* The bill came up to >$100 for the 2 of us, but probably also cause we ate alot. heee.

After a very satisfying (not to mention expensive..) dinner, we adjourned to our next stop in the itinerary.... which is the hotel!

He booked a room at the Swissotel Merchant Court, which wasn't too far from Gallery Hotel, so we walked there after dinner. We walked passed riverside plaza, brewerkz... and that place holds not so nice memories for the both of us. We had a "break-up" during the early phases of our relationship there, and it left both of us devastated. But it was also this episode that made me realise how important he is to me.

We then proceeded to the room, and by then I was feeling a lil nervous already. Then at the door of our room on the 11th storey, he started fumbling with his handphone and asked me to stand back and hold on while he held the door ajar and trying to do something with his HP... very clumsily.

The Proposal
So it turned out that he was trying to remote control his MacBook via bluetooth on his HP, to play some romantic music (Olivia Ong's L.o.v.e.) while we entered the room. And then I saw what he had up to his sleeves the whole afternoon!

He lined a path of rose petals from the door up to the bed, and in the centre of the bed was the Meyson box which I recognised immediately. It was the box which held my engagement ring (yes, I went to buy it with him :P)! And beside it, there was a blue doreamon wrapped box with a bouquet of flowers.

By then, it's very obvious that he was going to propose to me. Though I had somewhat expected it to come today, but at that instant, I still felt shocked and I didn't know how I was suppose to react.

He then took the ring from the box, and went down on one knee (albeit abit clumsily), and popped the question.

"Dear, will you marry me?"

I've seen it in the movies, I've seen it on TV shows. I've imagined it happening to me, but now, it's for real.
A man I dearly love, is kneeling down and asking for my hand. He's asking for permission to spend the rest of our lives together.
Together forever, until we grow old and die.

Of course I said yes. I nodded, and he slipped the solitaire onto my finger on the left hand. I started tearing, and questioning if all these were happening for real.

Even though I was extremely happy then, but I was also thinking.... "is that it?? Like that only ah?"
The whole process took really fast, probably like less than 5 minutes. And he didn't even whisper any sweet nothings to me prior to popping the question! To add on, he wasn't exactly very graceful when he went down on one knee. It was quite abrupt (like he suddenly... POM! one knee down then i was like "huh?!") and clumsy (his legs pain lar.. haha).

But of course.. it didn't end there. :)

The Birthday Gift
Next, he asked me to open my birthday gift. For this, I had absolutely no idea what he would give me. The only thing I was lemming for before my birthday was a Burberry's bag and it definitely couldn't be contained in that blue box. I was clueless... and hence I got a real pleasant surprise.

It's an IPOD TOUCH!!!!!!!!!!!! I was SOOOOOO SHOCKED!!!

All because I briefly told him once that I'm thinking of getting a mp3 player which can also play videos, or to try and download shows into a format which can be viewed on my HP so that I won't be bored during my journeys to work. Also, that would give me more time to watch the 80-episode HK serial I've been following... heee.

It was really a casual remark. When he said that he would buy one for me, i quickly told him no no no no no, cause I really don't need it, and stingy me won't want to spend money on such gadgets. I recall that I had only mentioned this once... at most twice. So it NEVER occurred to me that he would take my words so seriously to buy this for me!

He explained that as I start and end work very early now, he won't be able to talk to me and entertain me on my way to and fro work. He was afraid that I'll be very bored on the train journeys and he also remembered that I wanted to watch the HK serials on my way. He also claimed that I'm a geek at heart, and that I would love it. Lastly, he said...... in case I don't like it....... he can keep it for himself. (He's a Mac fan btw). =S

What made the iPod touch even more special was the engraving he done at the back of the iPod.

"Loving you, Always forever.
Would you marry me?"

Anti-climaxly, the first thing i said after reading the words was.....
"Isn't it supposed to be WILL you marry me?" haaa. But of course, deep in my heart, there was nothing but happiness. <3

The proposal (continued...)
It's a surprise after surprise.... He turned on the iPod and then showed me a video which he had recorded of himself. Yes, that completes the entire proposal. He knew that he would be too nervous to tell me whatever he wanted to tell me before the proposal, so he had it recorded down at home and transferred it to the iPod before giving it to me. It was the sweetest thing. I was sooo touched, my tears couldn't stop rolling down when I was viewing the video. I felt so blessed for everything that was happening. I felt so so loved. I knew that I meant as much to him, as he does to me.

The birthday gift (continued...)
After some emo moments, the birthday celebration resumes. What's a birthday celebration.... without a cake!
And he whipped out a birthday cake from a patissier at Clarke Quay, Nectarie. It was a super pretty strawberry shortcake, which was very delicious too!!

And actually that's about it for how the proposal went. I thank him for all the planning and preparations he went through to make all these possible, just for me. He was really stressed out before the day itself, I guess he really wanted to make sure nothing goes wrong so that I can have the perfect proposal.

Thanks dear, for everything you've done.

Thanks for loving me.

Thanks for allowing me to be your wife.

How I Met Her

I got to know her through a friend in NUS, whom I befriended during a project in CS2103. My 1st impression of her was that she's a happy, cheerful, humorous but very, very blur girl, and we started hanging out together as a group of 4 for KTV sessions.

Sparks didn't really fly during school time, probably cause I was too engrossed with getting my degree and looking around for alternatives that I missed seeing the gem that was always there, or maybe I did, but she's always with someone else.

But after we graduated, we had more opportunities to hang out and chat, and soon we both realize that we are on the same frequency (I don't mean 93.3FM), and we can understand and anticipate each others' super crappiness/rubbishness, which is just so.. nice.

In fact, even now, communication between us is fairly simple, as we often know what the other is thinking about, except for times when I want to take the cab, while she prefer to take the bus..
I digressed but, a couple's not without any small tiffs right?

Anyway, it was a rough ride trying to get together with her, but I am glad I persevered.. Well, not many can resist my charm anyway. Haa! And so, we officially got together late June 2007, and the last 1.5 years had been so full of love.

1.5 years can be considered short for some, but to me, love is not measured by the length of time. Love can be beautiful 100 years later if both choose to believe, communicate and enrich one another. Love can be beautiful 100 years later if both always remember their initial reasons for getting together. Love can be beautiful 100 years later if both let love be as simple as what it is.

I love her, always forever. That I realized and so I popped the question to her on her birthday, 5th Dec 2008. She accepted (because of my impeccable proposal!), and now, we begin our journey, to find eternal bliss and happiness.

Wish us luck, as we document the journey of our love.

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